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10 Min Space Strategy [Edit Game]

10 min space strategy is a 4X (explore, expand, exploit, exterminate) strategy game, set in space. It is compact, quick and turn-based, with a simple ruleset but still requiring the player to decide strategy, fleet movement, etc. It has all the standard elements of space strategies, you have different fields to research, you can make your own race, there is spaceship combat, colonisation, etc.

(5 Ratings)

Platforms: Windows, Website, Steam-Mac, Steam-Linux, Desura-Linux
Modes: Single Player, Multi Player
Genres: Board Games, Arcade, Action, Card Games, Fighting, First Person Shooter (FPS), Music, Platform, Puzzle, Racing, Real-Time Strategy, Role Playing Game (RPG), Simulators, Sports, Turn-Based Strategy, Roguelike, Casual, Vehicle Simulation Game, Horror, Shoot em up, Point and Click

Studio: Indie Graphics: 2D
Type: Freeware Source: Closed
Release: Full Age: All


Domain: Link: Click Here

Windows Downloads

Domain: Download: Click Here
Version: 1.03 FileSize: 24.4MB
Notes: Link: Direct

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A simple strategy game, not too complicated and relatively easy and quick to complete.
Review by MeatyFin at 2013-08-10 17:09:52
great simple gui, hidden depth, and well thought out systems. Needs a bit of work making the game long, but whats here is good.
Review by jayjello at 2013-08-10 17:09:52
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